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The Lucion brand covers three disciplines, asbestos management, renewable energy heating systems and Green Passports for ships. We hope that you'll find it interesting and informative. Best wishes from Lucion.

Thursday 22 April 2010

Asbestos – doesn’t discriminate between classes.

Inhaling asbestos fibres is well known to be linked to the, inevitably fatal, cancer, mesothelioma. The usual image of unfortunate victim is of an ex shipyard worker or a joiner who worked closely with asbestos containing material before the full extent of the toxicity of the product was uncovered.

However, more recently, the number of cases of mesothelioma that are being recorded in the United Kingdom in which the victim of the disease had no direct contact with an industry that used asbestos, is rising alarmingly. Cases where school teachers are succumbing to the disease are seen in the press more regularly. Schools built using the CLASP method of construction from the mid 1940s to 1980 used asbestos insulation board extensively and as the latency of the cancer is known to be as long as 40 years, there could be a connection between the two.

The disease and it’s connection with asbestos has even claimed the life of a Courtier who served the Queen Mother at Clarence House. Sir Alistair Sturgis Aird died in September 2009 after being diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma. An inquest into his death held at the County Hall in Dorchester was told that Sir Alistair “always believed” that he had come into contact with asbestos whilst working at Clarence House.

Although the asbestos containing materials were removed in 1996 and done so in accordance with the, then current, regulations, Sir Alistair recalled earlier refurbishment at the Royal Household where he believes he could have been exposed to the toxic fibres.

Sir Alistair was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma in September 2007 and he died two years later at home, leaving his wife, Lady Fiona, who is a godmother to David Cameron.

Lucion Environmental provides asbestos management consultancy services throughout the UK. For more information on asbestos visit their website or call +44(0)191 4618999.

Lucion Environmental – part of the Lucion brand.

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